Creative LIAisons
Cafecito Creativo
For it's 2021 edition, Creative LIAisons – Círculo de Creatividad Argentina + London International Awards (LIA) –posed the challenge of coming up with an idea Fundación Publicidar, a non-profit that provides kids from marginalised neighbourhoods with school supplies. The brief was simple: to find a way to raise funds throughout the year.
In collaboration with
Josefina Franci (Media.Monks)

What would you give to enjoy a coffee chat with some of the top creative minds in the country?
We recruited 5 speakers to spark the conversation around the truths and challenges of working in an ever-changing industry with the hardest product to cash in on: ideas. For the symbolic prize of a cup of coffee, hundreds of people had the opportunity to participate in our monthly webinars. All profits were then donated to Fundación Publicidar.